Healthy Stuff

believing you can do it
working on one-day-at-a-time
making short-term weight loss goals
having a reward system
keeping a food journal
experimenting with lower calorie recipes
eating fruits

whole grains
lean protein
plant-based fats
low-fat dairy/calcium sources
when you fail, you keep trying
Unhealthy Stuff
not planning your meals
skipping meals
emotional eating
drinking sweetened beverages
eating refined grains
saturated/trans fat
not exercising
when you fail, you give up
Here's some helpful ideas to practice:
1. Add veggies - spinach, onions, broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes - to your scrambled eggs.
2. Serve broth-based veggie soups as an appetizer, and add snow peas, onions, broccoli florets.
3. Cut your rice or pasta portion in half and replace the starch with asparagus, zucchini, etc.
4. Use romaine leaves as wraps, with chicken or tuna inside.
5. Before dinner, serve a salad with tons of veggies added, such as carrots, grape tomatoes and string beans.
FACTOID: Jumbo food packages prompt you to eat more. In one study, adults give one pound M&M bags scarfed down 264 more calories than those given half-pound bags!
FACTOID: A chocolate chip cookie at Starbucks has 540 calories, 10 more calories than a McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese! Holy canolees!!
"I keep trying to lose weight but it keeps finding me!"
"Most people lose weight by having intimate dinners for two... alone."
If you have any helpful ideas for gettin' fit,
such as ways to think positive, yummy recipes,
or fun exercises, please send 'em in!
Can't wait to hear for all of you!! LOVE Y'ALL!!
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